an extraordinary tankard to celebrate the coronation of edward viii designed and modelled by dame laura knight d.b.e. r.a probably the most affordable of all dame laura knights art work.
the tankard in the was designed by dame laura knight to celebrate a constitutional event that never happened, the coronation of king edward viii. in 1936 edward abdicated the throne in favour of his younger brother albert, crowned george vi.
the design was hastily changed to celebrate the coronation of george vi and his queen elizabeth.basically the same design as edwards but with new portraits and inscription.
on the tankard, instead of the monarch portrait being flanked by the lion and unicorn, traditional symbols of royalty, the portrait is flanked by and the dragon on the left hand and the extraordinary image of a circus elephant on the right. the inspiration likely to be from laura knights depictions of the english circus in the 1920's and 30's, but also a nod to the passing of empire and the dawning of commonwealth...